Integrating engineering and production data, simulation and field proven behavior, predictive and real time analytics is what will make our flow systems intelligent, driving additional value for our Customers.
PetrolValves is bringing intelligence in its flow solutions, building a comprehensive suite of sensors, simulation, data integration and advanced analytics to support lifetime of the systems and improve the total cost of ownership of the assets deployed on field.
PetrolValves is bringing intelligence in its flow solutions, building a comprehensive suite of sensors, simulation, data integration and advanced analytics to support lifetime of the systems and improve the total cost of ownership of the assets deployed on field.

Project risk elimination, cycle time reduction, improved CAPEX and overall reduction of total cost of ownership are key factors to succeed in a complex landscape. PetrolValves with its Product Structuring initiative is focusing on improving cost and delivery time, working upfront with Customers in identifying the critical needs and tailoring the solutions.

The ability to predict the behavior of the flow systems in operating conditions is crucial to properly manage the project qualification requirements. At PetrolValves a state-of-the-art testing facility is made available for either project driven qualification or advanced testing campaign to push the envelope of operating design, assess the physical behavior to be reconciled with numerical simulation and to prove correct functionalities in the real operating conditions.